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Coerver® Coaching Serbia is organizing Level 1 training for coaches through a one-day Coerver® Coaching Intro Course for Coaches.

The purpose of this coaching education course is to focus on teaching (how, why, and when) Ball Mastery elements, as well as dribbling and 1v1 skills training using the Coerver® method through Coerver® “Mirror Moves.” These are essential skills for every player, regardless of their age, skill level, or position.

The purpose of this course is to focus on coaching education (how, why, and when) of Ball Mastery elements, as well as dribbling and 1v1 skills training using the Coerver® method through Coerver® “Mirror Moves.” These are essential skills for every player, regardless of their age, skill level, or position.

Coerver® Ball Mastery elements are divided into 4 parts:

  • Beginner level
  • Intermediate level
  • Advance level
  • Master level

Coerver® Mirror Moves su podeljeni u 3 dela:

  • Promene pravca (Change of direction)
  • Zaustavljanja i kretanja (Stop & starts)
  • Finte (Feints)
Each part of the Coerver® “Mirror Moves” is connected to a specific part of the field where the player with the ball is located, as well as the opponent. The course shows the “secrets” of learning Coerver® “Mirror Moves” from training in dribbling techniques, through the application of situational skills in training to effective use in the game by the Coerver® method.
“It is the obligation of every player to learn the 1in1 skill.
It’s not just a trick, it has a purpose. “

Robbie Van Persie

The course is led by the Coerver® Coaching Serbia team of coaches:
  • Renato Pirša, Technical Director
    (20 years of experience as a football coach across all categories, 10 years of experience with Coerver® Coaching, and a UEFA A coach).
  • Predrag Stojanović, Head Coordinator
    (30 years of experience as a football coach across all categories, 10 years of experience with Coerver® Coaching, and a UEFA A Elite Youth and UEFA A coach).
  • Srđan Stojčevski, Head Coach
    (20 years of experience as a football coach across all categories, 10 years of experience with Coerver® Coaching, and a UEFA PRO coach).
  • Branko Bujišić, Coerver® Coach
    (25 years of experience as a football coach across all categories, 10 years of experience with Coerver® Coaching, and a UEFA A coach).
“The winner is determined by the team that wins more 1v1 situations.”

Alex Ferguson